Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why Don't Men Ask for Directions?

It's the question women have been asking since the dawn of time, and I found myself asking it...repeatedly... as we headed unassumingly into Nashville in search of the Harley Davidson dealer we thought might be there.

As we got closer and closer to the city...yes...it is a city....I questioned (silently) the sanity of the decision.

It didn't take long before Jason also questioned the quest, and decided we needed to get out of Dodge, er.. Nashville. Now, while I would have retraced our route into the city, perhaps a tactic oversimplified, this was not the direction my husband chose.  He crabbed and hrrumphed our way for 20 minutes, then muttered something about needing a gas station. When we found one a few block later, he filled the bike with gas, bought a map and sat about 20 feet away from me.  I watched him turn and shift the map for a good five minutes before folding it and walking back triumphantly, announcing, "We're heading int he right direction. I just need to make a left."

At some point wee were able to make our way out of Nashville and on towards Cool Springs, where the hotel was located. Next challenge... we can't find the hotel.  When we got to the end of the road (which was a few miles long) he said it was on, he hrrumphed again and we pulled into a CVS.  I asked if he was going to call the hotel and ask for directions. I was, of course, told no. I went into the CVS, since I needed more sun screen. At the register, I asked the cashier if she knew where the hotel was. She must have read the exasperation on my face, because she shook her head sympathetically and asked, "Husband won't stop for directions?" I couldn't help but smile.

She sent us back in the direction we'd come from, and said we really weren't far. And she was right. The hotel was about a mile back...a right turn off the road it was supposedly on.

So, why am I blogging this story? I hadn't planned to tell it, as it didn't have any real significance to our trip, other than validating, once again, that men never ask for directions.  After leaving the CVS on the way to the hotel Jason says, "wow... do you see that sign?" "What sign?" I ask as there were many on the horizon.  "The Harley sign," he chirps.

The Harley Davidson dealer we went looking for was across the street from our hotel.



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